me no like the feeling now!
They say: "Guys will always concerned over his girl for the starting of a relationship, for fear of losing her.Not long after, things changed. the girl will be more concerned of the guy, for fear that he wont love her anymore."
How true?
It's not about believing, it's all about how you feel.
never have i shed a tear out due to peer pressure?
well, i dunno whether it's pp, just that you felt damn low and upset.
wondering what's your future.
big sigh.
Why does the heart trigger abit of sorrowful pain to me every few mins?
first cry on 2011.
Am I supposed to ask or is he supposed to tell me?
Some times, human are just too weak to rise from their fall.
Heart broken into pieces, which can no longer be fixed.
may you get over it, my friend.
I have no obliged to say about this, but i do understand how it feels.
" When will i be able to rest? When i be able to properly enjoy time with people i love?
When will i be able to stop being accused by people for neglecting my friends?
Why isit always workworkworkworkworkschoolschoolschoolschoolschool.
It affects my relationship, it affect my kinship, it affects every fucking shit.
I have no energy anymore.
I have only one piece of heart.
Extremely fragile, this is a fact that never had changed, and it will never changed.
Rejections, demotivations, they always hit me so hard.
Every little small thing that displease people, every little small problem i accidentally caused,
it haunts me, it hurts me, very much.
I hate to sleep. Before i close my eyes, I will never fail to think of how people once ostracised me, how people humiliated me, how people ignored me, how people discriminate my work, how people talk behind my back.
Hi, i am, still a human being.
I've tried to be very strong, but I just couldnt although i seems like i've changed into a stronger person.
I'm on the verge of giving up, everything.
I hate how i always cry, because i really dont know what else i can do. "
Im feeling just the same as you, besty! really really :/